cat and batWithin the last few months, two cats in the Midwest have tested positive for the rabies virus: one in Illinois, and one in Missouri. The kitten in Missouri was quite young. At last count, nearly 11 people were exposed to the virus, and must undergo post exposure treatment.

Please take the time to remind children not to handle stray cats, especially kittens. If you must handle them, please use precautions, such as thick work gloves. Remember to vaccinate your cats, especially if they are allowed to roam. Indoor cats still face possible exposure when bats get into homes.

Remember that the rabies virus is fatal, if it is not caught and treated in time

NOTES FROM BTN: The small brown bat is the major carrier of rabies in Illinois and is small enough enter a home through a crack or small opening.   Cat owners should be sure their indoor cats are vaccinated in the event a rabid brown bat enters the home. 

Follow this link to read more details from The Illinois Department of Public Health and Rabies fact sheet.

From Mark Mayhew who was quoted to have reported on several Television and news outlets:

   “The cat was tested on September 22. The health department says there was one adult exposed to the cat, and the adult is being treated. The source of the infection is not known at this time. “Mark also passed this warning from the Ogle County Health Department has been advised by the Illinois Department of Public Health the following recommendations:

“OCHD recommends the following precautions to protect yourself and your family from possible exposure to rabies:slide 47

Report any wildlife acting sick or strangely to local animal control.

Vaccinate Pets-Illinois law requires rabies vaccinations for all dogs.  Rabies vaccinations are available for other types of pets-consult your veterinarian for details.

Do not feed stray animals.

Do not approach any unknown domestic or wild animal, particularly if it is acting sick or strangely.

Report animal bites to animal Control-Instruct children to tell an adult right away if bitten or scratched by any animal.

Discourage wildlife and stray animals by tightly covering garbage cans and avoiding storage of food outside.

Do not allow your pets to roam about Freely-Keep them under supervision at all times.

Most recent rabies exposures in the U.S. have been caused by bats. Bats can carry Rabies without being infected with it; meaning they may not appear abnormal.”


Reported remarks and recommendations from April 14, 2016 Somerset County health officials:

The health department is asking people to report any sick animals and those acting in an unusual manner that come into contact with a person or pet. If contact is suspected with a pet, do not handle the animal barehanded. Make sure all pets have a current rabies vaccination. Do not leave pet food, especially cat food, outdoors. Health Officer Craig Stofko said that any person, pet or other animal that may have had contact with this cat could be at risk for rabies exposure.

October 11, 2016 Cook County Animal and Rabies Control is warning Cook County residents “to vaccinate their pets against rabies after two outdoor cats tested positive for rabies in Illinois and Missouri. In the last two weeks, one adult cat in Ogle County, IL and one kitten in Cass County, MO have tested positive for rabies. Cook County is among the counties that is increasing surveillance for the disease. “ 

“Finding rabies in cats is unusual and Cook County Animal and Rabies Control wants to make sure all domestic animals are protected against the disease, which can be fatal,” Animal and Rabies Control Administrator Dr. Donna Alexander said. “Pet owners should not panic, but should take precaution to protect their pets.

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 We wish to thank Quentin Johnson for  bringing this topic to our attention.  We know that so many of our pet owners not only own dogs but many also own cats.   BTN felt this was an important issue.