BTdog baby

There is nothing more bothersome than a crying baby or a Barking dog when you have a headache or your trying to concentrate on something important or talk on the phone...


No one should expect a dog to never bark. That’s as unreasonable as expecting a child to never talk. But some dogs bark excessively. If that’s a problem in your home, the first step is figuring out what causes your dog to bark too much. Once you know why he is barking, you can start to treat his barking problem.Barking is one type of vocal communication that dogs use, and it can mean different things depending on the situation. Here are some reasons why dogs bark:



Territorial/Protective: When a person or an animal comes into an area your dog considers his territory, that often triggers excessive barking. As the threat gets closer, the barking often gets louder. Your dog will look alert and even aggressive during this type of barking.


 000ALBERTAlarm/Fear: Some dogs bark at any noise or object that catches their attention or startles them. This can happen anywhere, not just in their home territory.

Boredom/Loneliness: Dogs are pack animals. Dogs left alone for long periods, whether in the house or in the yard, can become bored or sad and often will bark because they are unhappy.

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Greeting/Play: Dogs often bark when greeting people or other animals. It’s usually a happy bark, accompanied with tail wags and sometimes jumping.

 Attention Seeking: Dogs often bark when they want something, such as going outside, playing, or getting a treat.


Separation Anxiety/Compulsive Barking: Dogs with separation anxiety often bark excessively when left alone. They also usually exhibit other symptoms as well, such as pacing, destructiveness, depression, and inappropriate elimination. Compulsive barkers seem to bark just to hear the sound of their voices. They also often make repetitive movements as well, such as running in circles or along a fence.


100 8763How to Treat Excessive Barking
Getting your dog to bark less will take time, work, practice, and consistency. It won’t happen overnight, but with proper techniques and time, you can see progress.Here are a few tips to remember as you start your efforts to control your dog’s barking.

Shouting stimulates your dog to bark more because he thinks you’re joining in. So the first rule is to speak calmly and firmly, but don’t yell.

Most dogs don’t know what you want when you’re yelling at them to “shut up.” So train your dog to understand the word “Quiet!”

 When your dog is barking, say “Quiet” in a calm, firm voice. Wait until he stops barking, even if it’s just to take a breath, then praise him and give him a treat. Just be careful to never reward him while he’s barking. Eventually he will figure out that if he stops barking at the word “quiet” he gets a treat (and make it a high level treat, such as cheese or chicken bits to make it worth more than the barking.)


Why do dogs bark? The answer is simple: dogs bark because they are telling you something, communicating with other dogs, or expressing an emotion. You've probably seen your dog with another dog at some point and watched how they interact.¹


Dogs will bark at each other when they play or are just hanging out together. Unfortunately, we are only able to guess at the meaning of this barking behavior. However, when dogs interact with humans, the meaning of their bark is a little easier to understand. A simple way to understand barking as it relates to people is to compare it to a baby crying.


Babies Cry and Dogs Bark

  Babies cry when they are hungry, sad, bored, lonely, need to be changed, sick and so on. When asking yourself, "Why do dogs bark?" the answer is no different. Your dog's bark will tell you when they are ready to have their dinner, when they need to go outside, when they aren't feeling good, when they would like a treat and more. It's learning to decipher just what that bark means that could take you some time. Once you have had your dog for awhile, you will begin to develop an understanding of what the barking behavior means much more clearly.


Barking for No Reason

Your Boston is barking, which at first seems to be at nothing. Dogs do not bark at nothing, there is a reason for the barking. Start to consider... are they hurt, want to go on a walk, heard a neighbor's dog, spotted something new or not in its place, someone in the yard? We may not have noticed, but your Boston will.¹


Watch your Dog, many times they will point with their nose in the direction of what they want while barking at the same time...  My moms female Jack Russell will go over to where the days allowed treats have been put on a shelf above her head. She will start barking quick sharp barks until someone comes and acknowledges that the treats are there.  Once reassured that the days treats are in their place (with one small one, safely tucked in her mouth, she will trot off to a favorite resting place to nibble on the tiny bite).

If you notice that your dog is barking nonstop and standing right next to the cupboard where you keep your doggie treats, then you've just figured out on your own what he or she wants!


Dogs frequently show this behavior, and it's up to each owner to pay close attention to their pet to figure out what their bark is telling them. Barking non-stop means that there is a need not being met. In some cases, training will be required to curb the behavior, because that need may not be met all day every day.¹

Barking after Discipline

Every time we research a topic, we have the opportunity to learn something new. Sometimes what we learn is so obvious that I cannot believe I did not already know about it. Why do dogs bark when you are telling them not to do something? Not all dogs do this, but if yours does, you can relate it to a teenager talking back to a parent. If you've ever been telling your dog to be quiet, sit, stay or to stop chewing on something only to have them begin barking at you or making another noise, they are talking back to you. It's their way of being defiant toward you. You will need to use some deference training to teach your dog that you are the boss, to curb this defiant behavior.


Knowing why your dog barks is key to curbing the behavior. Some barking behavior is simple to curb by meeting easy needs like providing food, water, or a trip outside. However, barking behavior that is a result of separation anxiety, fear, or dominance needs to be curbed with training before it escalates into more aggressive or damaging behavior.