13334510 10207710063921936 973341812 oWelcome to “Leroy’s Comfy Couch”
A place where I’s get to share my wisdom on all things Boston type terrier related.

Today’s topic is: “How should human types pick the food us Boston's eat?”


Well, it all boils down to three things; taste, nutritional value and presentation. There might be a fourth thing, but we’ll cover that later.


So the first thing is taste. Any human type can go to the local grocery store, pet store or even that gas station on the corner and pick up a fifty-pound bag of dry tasteless beef by-product chunks and toss a hand full or two in a bowl, stick the bowl on the floor and we is gonna eat it.


So, I’s guess taste really don’t matter. Some of us BT’s has eaten some unmentionable stuff off the ground that would truly taste horrible if you tried it.


Which brings us to the second food picking requirement: nutritional value. Some of those bags of dry tasteless beef by-product chunks have the nutritional value of a desert rock. And I’s might add, the same teeth cracking crunch of those desert rocks. So the rule of paw is, if the first ingredient is something you human types would eat, stuff like real beef, chicken or pork, that’s the good stuff!


If you can’t pronounce the ingredients and them words look like something that could make a nuclear boom, NO! Bad human type! You don’t want us Boston type terriers poop’n Legos in the backyard cuz you fed us something that might only be missing one ingredient to make plastic.


Now once you has found a good natural and pronounceable food, you gots to think of presentation.


I’s ain’t talking about putting our food on a plate with a parsley garnish, drizzled with a wonderful gravy sauce and with a side of potatoes. mmm… gravy… Oh wait?  Where was I’s?


Presentation! Put our food in a dish that we’s can get our stubby little faces into. I’s hate fighting the depth of the bowl to get my grub.


Now to that fourth picking requirement, it’s got to be something we like. I’s personally don’t like the smell of fish, so I’s ain’t gonna eat it. So maybe I’s lied and taste does matter. Anyway…


I’s once tried a can of cat food, about vomited up my tail. So to recap, taste matters, it’s got to be good for us, we need easy access and we got to like it.


Don’t be afraid of doing a little trial and error, we’ll let you know when we like the food you picked out.


In case you was wonderin' what my dinner time meal consist of: I’s get ¾ of a cup of Canidae all natural, grain free, and for older dogs chunks, sprinkled with a little fresh cooked chicken.


That combo keeps all five of us Boston type terriers in the Wonder Pack fit, trim and as regular as a ticking clock.

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We are happy to have Leroy Brown join us and share his wisdom. Look for more of his wit and wisdom in the near future.  In the meantime, if you would like more of Leroy Brown, you can get your daily dose of his wisdom on his Facebook page at: Leroy Brown the Boston Terrier.



 Edited by Jan Mitchell