


For the last few months, rumors have circulated on the Internet that a big asteroid will slam into Earth near Puerto Rico, between wreaking widespread destruction throughout coastal regions of the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and northern South America.





Don't believe the hype. There's no reason to fear a devastating asteroid strike next month, NASA experts say. We are being assured there are no rocks that big headed our way anytime soon, at least not for centuries. Just as well, I probably would not have noticed if one hit. I have more important issues to deal with closer to home. Sweet Vicky and her battle with Kidney Failure.


Pookie Doo NicoleNHeathcockVicky, is now 10 and a half and incontinent. We plan on celebrating her 11th birthday in Feb. This was the month she came into my life. She has been a faithful companion. Actually my dog’s age could be anywhere between 10-14 years old. We are not really sure because she was passed from her first owner who moved, to the owner before me, who passed through to heaven’s gate.

She has to wear a diaper now, and has countless warts that disfigure her but cause no actual harm. I’m approaching the moment when the decision will be forced upon me. The other day, I simply wondered whether I could “put down”, i.e. kill, my beloved Vicky. There will surely come a point when compassion demands it. Over the last year Vicky has been losing weight, drinking a lot of water and would throw up. I took her to the vet. Blood tests showed no kidney failure. When throwing up became very bad, I took her back to the vet. A urine test was able to establish Vicky was in 75% kidney failure. Some medication was given, but she has become increasing worse. We followed a strict diet and all the advise our vet gave us. She gave a long fight.
The vet gave her IV fluids and told me to take her home, say my goodbyes and to call him later in the week. He did say to make sure she drinks water and to feed whatever she'll eat.

I am trying to decide. My little girl’s quality of life and her always wanting to please is not fair to her. To prolong the inevitable for something that may not work is not fair to her or me. I have made an appointment for tomorrow. My hand shakes as I put down the phone. Tomorrow will the 9th of Feb. Happy Birthday Vicky.

She perked up when the vet came in, because he had been working with hamsters and his hands and shirt smelled so awesome. So, she was weakly wagging her rear-end and smiling when we invited her to sit on the floor, which she did not want to do. So, I sat on a bench in the room and placed her on the bench next to me, wrapping her favorite blanket gently over her. There she laid next to me touching my leg. As the first serum was injected, Vicky just leaned on me more and more and ended up with her head in my lap. Her eyes closed. The vet applied the second injection. It was really a very peaceful and sweet way to die. The vet told me afterwards that he wished every pet owner would stay with their pet at the end, because when they leave the room, the pet gets agitated and it’s harder for the staff to keep them still, making the whole process so much more stressful for the pet and hard on the staff. He did not say that, I saw it in his eyes. He also said that the women always stay, but only about half of men do, which I thought was interesting. It is so, so hard to say goodbye to a wonderful dog.